Checking in With My Soul

“It is well

with my soul

It is well, It is well with my soul”

As I sing along with the virtual choir in my head, I pause. Is it though? 

Is it really well with my soul?

I am reminded of the Jewish word Shalom. Longing for Shalom goes beyond desiring peace for self or neighbor. ““Shalom” is taken from the root word shalam, which means, “to be safe in mind, body, or estate.” It speaks of completeness, fullness, or a type of wholeness that encourages you to give back — to generously re-pay something in some way.” (

I ponder on the state of my heart. Why do I feel restless?

Am I holding a grudge?

Am I resisting the grace poured over me?

Am I seeking security on a platform of privilege rather than in the the footsteps of Christ?

Am I allowing Jesus to touch the wounded parts of me?

Have I embraced the mercies that are “new every morning?”

Do I fear the path God has placed in front of me?

Am I surrendering that which I can’t or don’t need to control?

Am I asking for help where needed?

Is unrecognized grief residing within?

Am I in need of connection with others?

The road to wellness begins with naming that which prevents the attainment of Shalom.

Perhaps, the liturgy of my life would do well to incorporate a daily wellness check. How about you?

This post was written for the Five Minute Friday Writing Community. Come join us!




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